Sunday, October 7, 2007

Saturday, Oct. 6th report

First out were Gizmo and Dora, each in different rooms. Bonnie and I split our time with each of then so we both got to play with both Gizmo and Dora. Gizmo is a very attentive little guy, he keeps climbing into my lap and asking for hugs, such a pity he is so adrenal, he is naked on his chest and most of his belly even though he has fur on his back. Patchy but it’s there. He stood up and checked out Hercules through the bars and both seemed very curious. No squabbles or threatening postures. Has any one else noticed he has a little hook at the end of his tail. Looks like it may be a small growth right on the side of the tip of the tail. Giz can be very friendly and very chatty when he gets the attention he wants. I think some of the chest fur loss could be through scratching as he seems to scratch there a lot. A great find for someone once the adrenal is sorted out.

WATCH GIZMO’S POOPS, they look very thin and small. Well formed and solid but small and thin. We gave him lots of hairball tonic and maybe he should get more from each volunteer. Then we gave to all the rest too.

Dora was in the other room for the first half period then switched to my room, the lower one. She is also suffering from hair loss even though we think she may be only four months old. She is very gentle and is a toy stasher, especially in the tubes. She also chews the toys a bit, so please watch out for that. She likes the toys as seen her with the handcuffs.

Tommy and Bailey. These two fight when they get bored and one leaves them alone to amuse themselves. They seem to need constant attention. Tommy stood up on his hind legs and begged for a pick up several times. Then he likes to nuzzle. When Bailey sees Tommy do this he follows suit and waits for his turn. Both boys love the TD treats. Bonnie bought some special biscuit like treats that all of them really liked.

Laura and Gloria out next. Laura loves pick-ups but will nip soft under arm tissues if given the chance, like if she wants down. Gloria climbs over the barricade someone put up in the 2nd room to stop them going where some contraction stuff is stored, but this barricade does not apply to Gloria, she hops over in a trice. Climb the air cleaner and is over. Laura, unfortunately cannot follow, her figure will not allow it. I put her over one time so she wouldn’t feel left out and she had a ball, especially when I gave her a treat as well. Gloria can also get under that baby door if the bottom is not closed properly, it seems it is out of alignment a bit. Gloria also stole my weights book, fake ostrich hide, she must like the taste of leather. Neither of these two ladies likes to play very rough and will stay away if you try. Both will keep coming back if offered hugs. Neither liked ferret bowling either. They look like some undignified action has been perpetrated on them when you attempt to bowl them. Laura will stash TD’s if offered more than two or three. Laura also stashes squeaky toys when they are squeaked.

Sophie and Hercules out next. Sophie never stops. Never seems to get tired. She uses a climbing technique we used to see with our Poppy, she runs her back up the wall while climbing the cage bars. We removed her stitches using the small black nail clippers, saw Dr. mike do it and thought it would work here. She is now stitch free.

Both got playing in the toy hamper, while it was on it’s side and mostly zipped up. Every now and again Hercules would emerge, look around and charge back inside and the whole hamper would “rock and roll.” Ever wonder what ferrets do when you can’t see them!.

Watching these two I have come to the conclusion that Hercules is very dependent on Sophie but Sophie is quite dependent on people. But when he gets too pushy for attention, she lets fly and pounces all over him.

All have stable weights so nothing immediate is happening.

And that Folks is the Saturday report.

Nigel and Bonnie.

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