Monday, April 30, 2007


Yay Hardy!
Okay, well in thanks for all the kind thoughts and words, I'll have to share my funny Noka story.
So saturday night I went to bed, feeling quite happy with the world. Then I woke up with a start! I heard little whining and winging noises-the type that Noka usually makes when he's having a sezure! So I fumble for the lights and start asking Noka where he is, frantically searching. it turns out, Noka wasn't seizuring. Noka had eaten too much grilled chicken, and was in the corner of my room......pooping!
He was having the BIGGEST poop of his life and he was having such a tough time with it, he was winging!
When he was done, he looked at me with a look that said: "What? did you see the SIZE of that thing?"
I almost took a picture to share with the group, seeing as I know how much you all like ferret poop  pics!
So at this point, I went back to bed, laughing my ass off about the non seizure/poop crisis. He really needs to come up with a new noise for those non-seizure moments!!!!
I swear this ferret is going to send me to an early grave!

Friday, April 27, 2007

A Cute Hardy Story

Hi Everyone

Ok Jenny I am using the “blog” e-mail address as well. I have a cute Hardy story that I just had to share. Last week my Mom had gone around the house vacuuming and unfortunately when she was finished she realized she was missing one of the vacuum attachments. Her and my Dad spent about an hour trying to find this attachment but to no avail. I got home that night and she told me about the missing vacuum attachment and if I found it to let her know. I advised her that I would just let Hardy out and made her a bet that by bedtime he would have found it.

I went downstairs and called him and Elvis to let them know that it was “upstairs” time. They both came tearing up the stairs and tore around the house having their playtime. At bedtime I went upstairs to my room and over to the dresser where they have their naptime. Well guess what I found sitting right beside the dresser? The vacuum attachment. I picked it up and took it down to my Mom. Needless to say Hardy was the hero of the day! Ferrets definitely come in handy!

Have a great weekend everyone!