Sunday, October 21, 2007

Saturday, Oct. 20th report

First let me introduce you to a small friend from my past, his name is Chico, but because he was so small, we called him Chicinho, or little Chico. His previous owner had tied a cord around his waist and then had him climb the mango trees and then they would yank him back when he had a mango in his hands. As he grew from a youngster, they never adjusted the cord and he had it grow into his skin around his waist. This was my first rescue. He cost me about $5 as I had to buy him to help him.

This is Chico.

He stands 15” high.

Now to the shelter and today.

Gloria and Laura were first out in the main room and then Tommy and Bailey were out with Bonnie in the garage room. Both these two G & L love to play and try to drag hands and fingers in to the tubes, and guess what, to do that they have to nip and pull. They are still very gentle even in play. Sorry, no pictures of the girls this week nor of Tommy and Bailey.

The two boys were as rambunctious as always, Bonnie and I think they are the first cousins of our Higgins & Burke. Only not quite so rambunctious. Higgins is becoming a holy terror as he recovers from his illness. Tommy and Bailey love to rough and tumble, especially if you leave them alone for a bit. Anti-boredom activity.

In the cage Tommy’s poops looked Ok but he did a really soft diarrhea like poop while out. Bailey on the other hand had a very soft (runny) poop in his litter which could be smelled from across the room. Seems like we may have poop issues in the shelter.

Gizmo came out next in the garage room and Dora was out in the main room. Gizmo had visitors, prospects, but unfortunately, they were very un-ferret savvy and had to be asked to learn a bit more before trying again. It was pointed out how expensive these little guys can be. So Gizmo stays for awhile. He will have his surgery and then grow his gorgeous coat again and be a real winner in the glamour stakes.

Dora stayed with me in the main room with me. She really is such a sweetie and so gentle and needs such a deal of attention. I did notice that she had only one very very small poop in her litter. She was also coughing quite a bit. This in no way affected her activity level which is high when she has someone to interact with. She did at one point vomit, projectile vomit, clear to very slightly brownish, no hair in it. It shot 2 feet from her mouth. Please keep and eye on her. I find she loves pick-ups but not for long which seems about par for the course for ferrets. If she doesn’t get put down when she wants, she can really squirm and will try to wiggle her way down.

Here is a couple of shots of Dora.

Could anyone resist this little girl.

Two ferrets came back into the shelter today, they were Chubby and Logan. Chubby and Logan first came to the Shelter in March 2004 and stayed with us till Aug. 2004. They were two very special little guys. Gentle but playful. Chubby used to lick out our yogurt containers. Well they arrived back and we were stunned at the condition of these two. They are gorgeous, the softest, richest coats you could imagine. They looked great. Can’t understand how someone could give them up. They are now about 4 ½ years old. Chubby plays with balls, and will take liberties if you hold him too near your face when he wants down, that hasn’t changed if I remember correctly. Logan just doesn’t know how to nip. Logan has beautiful red eyes, unusual for a sable. Chubby used to be a silver, but many of this ilk he has lightened up to be a slightly streaky looking DEW. Just Gorgeous. Here they are.

Hercules and Sophie out next, or rather at same time, other room with Bonnie. Both very playful with good activity levels. Sorry again no photos. Wrong room.

Lastly out came Freckles.

Her litter was very wet again, far more pee than normal for a single ferret. Poops soft as well. And a bit seedy. She is reported to be drinking huge amounts of water. I think she is going in next week for checks.

Freckles seems to like the samba stuffed toy on top of her cage. She dragged it into the cube and curled up with it. She seems agitated all the time, can’t seem to slow down.

That’s all for now. There will not be Saturday report next week as after 6 ½ years some has volunteered to do every other Saturday. So we two have to now wrack our brains for something to do on every other Saturday. I am sure that will evoke some comments.

I do have a request for Olympia if you can, the guys will still needs weighing each week so if you shift is on our off week then could you take the weights and mark on the sheets, also could you compare with the previous weeks weights to see if we have problems.

That’s really it, or I will be accused of rambling on.

Bonnie and Nigel

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