Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Have a few things to tell everyone! Aggie is BACK. Nothing makes me happier, you all know how much I have missed her since she has been in SK. Aggie is back and has taken over Shannan's Tuesday shifts for now. WELCOME BACK Aggie!!! :)

We also have a new volunteer who is taking every other Saturday so Bonnie & Nigel can get the much needed break they deserve. Ali has ferrets and came in last week for training. Ali did very well and you can see how much she enjoys the kids :) Welcome Ali and we hope you enjoy your stay with us!!!

I've received a few private e-mails from some of you in regards to Olympia's needing some time off. Yes, it's true and it's been a long time coming. Olympia has been doing most of the out-of-shelter tasks for a few years now and we all know how overwhelming that can be. She is not leaving the Board of Directors and will still be at the shelter every other Sunday but she is needing some time for herself which she isn't getting by doing all the vet runs, checking phone messages and going out to Animal Controls to ADV test and pick up ferrets PLUS helping me with adoptions. She isn't sure how long she will be on break but we all know she deserves it and all of us support her in her efforts to have a more normal life :)

This is where I need you all to come in. I don't drive and can not afford to taxi to and from the vet or various animal control shelters. I'll begin posting when ferrets need picking up etc very soon and I hope some of you will be able to help. Many thanks to Nancy for offering help with vet runs already.

As of today, I am very nervous. There are 2 ferrets in Brampton that NEED to be picked up by Saturday or they will be killed. They are not ADV tested and I'm at a loss of what to do. Do ANY of you know someone who may be able to hold onto these ferrets until the ADV test results come in? It would have to be a ferret free home. If they end up at our shelter they will have to be fully caged until the results come back. I also need someone to pick them up and bring them here from Brampton. If anyone is available for that, please let me know too. There is also a man with 7 ferrets and a ferret at Toronto animal control and another at Hamilton needing to come in. We have no room and no funds for these kids. High Park may be able to do a few adrenal surgeries at cost for us (about $300) which may be of help.

On another note, Tina, our London shelter mom is thinking of having a get together nearer to Christmas. She'll be in touch with us about it when she firms up a date. I think we could all use a party and some 'lighter' times. I sure know I could.

Miss Randy Belair

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