Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Owen went to the vet last night. It looks like he has an enlarged left adrenal (surprise, surprise) maybe that's why he has no fur from the waist down ....
Also his blood sugar was low 2.8 so he's on Pred, but thankfully it's to be given in tone. He even fought me over that, I had to force some in his mouth .. he really doesn't like me much, nasty woman, forcing nasty stuff in his mouth. He doesn't come out of the cage unless I physically take him out. I gate him in the bedroom so he has a safe place out of the cage.
I'm hoping after his Lupron shot last night, and with the pred he'll perk up. He's drinking, eating some dry 8in1, I'm still trying to get him to eat soft.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday ..

Well I will try and remember some details from what was mostly swarming dooking furries and poop .. lots and lots of poop ... the time flew by, I didn't really even get to sort out all their names, let alone personalities, but one thing for certain, the new group  Bob, Valentino, Cutie? and Baby are SLOBS, utter SLOBS. There were poops on both levels of both cages. Randy put Baby on his own on the bottom. I pretty well had to take everything apart to clean. I added an extra litter pan to each cage .. it really does take up too much room, but I had to do something !!! I didn't change their blankets, but when I was refolding and putting them back I realized they probably could use a change shortly, I think these were just put in, I remember just reading a post about how bad their cage was .. no change today. But they certainly kept themselves amused and didn't appear to notice that I didn't have much time to spend with them, except for I belive Cutie who tried to climb up inside my jeans a couple of times. We played a little, they went nuts !!
Cash Loot and Jinx were out in the back room, while the foursome were in the front. Later I moved the foursome to the back, took Cash Loot and Jinx out for a stroller ride, and let the huge group out in the back room. When I got back in the two first groups went back to their cages and the large group had both rooms to romp in while I tried to finish up the cages. Haven't cleaned this many cages for a long time .. have to admit towards the end I was flagging badly .. my apologies to tomorrow's volunteer about the dried poop near the wooden gate, my scraper has disappeared and I couldn't get the ruddy thing up or find anything to scrape it with. Sorry it's still there ..
I did manage to refill the litter bin, but the food bin is very low and I couldn't find any more food. Hopefully tomorrow's volunteer is OK to bring some ???? not sure who that is ..
Also Baby needs to go to the vet .. can anyone take him in ???
Don't know where the time went, flew by - cheers all, Sue

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cover Needed - April 12 & 26

The mystery has been solved .. Bonnie remembered an email asking for cover March 31st, April 12 and April 26.
I remember this now too because they are all very bad dates for me, once I looked at my calendar I remembered the email too, I must have deleted it. The 26th is bad for a few volunteers because we are doing the Open House at Toronto Animal Services on the 25th, hopefully someone who is not helping out on the 25th can take the 26th, as it's a lot to expect of someone to give up their entire weekend.
Also this raises the issue of co-ordination .. we can't expect Randy to 'manage' this .. but it's easy for dates to fall through the cracks .. at one time we had an online calendar, maybe we need something like this again .. so we can manage coverage as a group .. comments ?? suggestions ??  I have to admit I don't even know if I have sign on to the yahoo group, maybe the calendar is still there ??