Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cover Needed - April 12 & 26

The mystery has been solved .. Bonnie remembered an email asking for cover March 31st, April 12 and April 26.
I remember this now too because they are all very bad dates for me, once I looked at my calendar I remembered the email too, I must have deleted it. The 26th is bad for a few volunteers because we are doing the Open House at Toronto Animal Services on the 25th, hopefully someone who is not helping out on the 25th can take the 26th, as it's a lot to expect of someone to give up their entire weekend.
Also this raises the issue of co-ordination .. we can't expect Randy to 'manage' this .. but it's easy for dates to fall through the cracks .. at one time we had an online calendar, maybe we need something like this again .. so we can manage coverage as a group .. comments ?? suggestions ??  I have to admit I don't even know if I have sign on to the yahoo group, maybe the calendar is still there ??

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