Saturday, March 28, 2009


Today's Mission: Free the Stroller and get everyone out to enjoy the beautiful weather .. Mission Accomplished !!!
Group One .. the Boys go to Timmy's
There was a long line up at Timmy's so I parked the stroller where I could watch it from the line and watched Jinx go into action .. he really loves people, he was so alert and aware if anyone came near he'd come to the front and give them his begging for treats/love look .. he really had one lady enamoured. Jinx also got out on the leash for a bit at the park, but he found that pretty overwhelming at first, he liked being in my coat though and got down a few times for a sniff round. Cash and Loot really enjoyed being in the stroller and seeing the sights.
Group Two .. the Girs go out ..
Just to the park, where both had a short turn with the leash. Both were nervous, Izzie more so than I thought she would be, sorry now I've fogotten the new girl's name .. Tizzy, no, darn can't remember, ... Trixie !! anyway she was less nervous than I thought she would be (being a newcomer) and she had quite a good sniff round the park.
When I was out I left the group inside in the front room (as opposed to the garage room), so when I came back with the girls I let them out in the garage room and went to check on the boys and start the cages. I forgot to put the mat under the gate and Izzy escaped, but I heard the scratching so she didn't get far ... Izzy the breakout artist, doesn't miss an opportunity ... so I brought her in the front room while I cleaned the cages and let Trixie have the garage room to herself, which she loved, the two girls both love to stash toys, I don't know how much they actually interact with each other but they certainly kept themselves busy rearranging the toys whenever they could.
Perfect timing today, we really hit the warmest part of the day .. it was great.
Cheers all, Sue

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