Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday ..

It was a very pleasant day at the shelter today, just the foursome, all were in fairly good spirits but relatively quiet. Cash and Loot weren't too playful, but ate loads of treats, all four enjoyed lots of soft-moist and teeth crunchers .. nice to see even Loot enjoying treats. Miss Izzie was busy .. she had to keep putting toys in their proper places, especially when I kept moving them to places she felt just weren't correct. Jinx was a total snuggle bug, following me around, begging for more treats, more hugs, more attention. After everyone had been out for nearly three hours Jinx was still pretty perky - Cash and Loot were ready for bed, (they tended to wander off into the shredded paper when I wasn't paying attention to them) so I put them to bed, and Izzie, and took Jinx for a walk. We didn't go very far, he really enjoyed being held inside my coat - with this head sticking out .. he loved it when the wind blew in his face when he was like that. He got fairly relaxed and did get some good snuffling about the grassy area, but he was more drawn to the garbage bins in the alleyway !! He was out for a little over half an hour and I hope he went to sleep dreaming of his big adventure.
There was a nasty, very liquid, very light coloured, poop on the floor, and Cash & Loot's litter box contained lots of loose, light poops. Izzie & Jinx's litters looked fine.
Also, the wooden gate did not seem to click shut today, I gave them both rooms from the start so only noticed it when I went for a smoke I closed both gates, Jinx can get the barrier to move and he's quite determined when he gets bored to get up the stairs. When I came back the wooden gate was open and Jinx was furiously trying to escape !! 

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