Monday, June 2, 2008


As many of you know Bonnie and I have a ferret by the name of Burke, a wonderful laid back big boy, who is good with all other ferrets.

Unfortunately, Bonnie sometimes gets carried away. A lady in the US put out a call for ferret fur to make something for auction to aid a worthy cause. So Bonnie decided that she and Burke would contribute to this cause. Well actually, Bonnie decided, Burke got caught. And as you can all see, Burke has suffered horribly, Damn it, he’s almost bald.

I can see his ribs cause he’s got no fur.

As you all may know this is not the first abuse Bonnie has inflicted on a ferret, remember Keiko, who we had to call spot for awhile? Hair dye!!!!!

Keiko got painted and finally we had the other abuse she inflicted on Burke, she gave him eyebrows!!!!

Please help me help Bonnie, this abuse just has to stop.

PS, Did I forget to say that Burkie is shedding, and blowing his coat big time

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