Can you guess who this is; the winner gets to take this ferret home. Please disregard the manicure or lack of it.
First off, lets see who has or has not gained weight.
As you can see; no big changes in health. There are a couple of issues though. I think Terrence has some issues and needs a vet visit. And Bonnie noticed that Phillip has an eye problem. His left eye is milky and swollen. Randy mentioned something about possible glaucoma. I think he will be to the vet soon.
I had Gadget and Ronnie and Bonnie had out Terrence and Phillip . I found both Ronnie and Gadget active and playful but did need lots of attention from me to be that way. Gadget kept coming over to me and scratching my feet and legs for a pick up and hug. He just loves that type of attention. Meanwhile Ronnie looks put out that he is not getting attention. So he got as many p/u’s as Gadget. Ronnie loves to roll over on his back and pull himself along under the cages by the bars. I found out while eating my ham and swiss cheese sandwich that Gadget likes both swiss cheese and ham. At least the first few pieces then he stashed the rest.
Gadget lived up to his name and tried to steal ( collect) my pen.
Gadget and Ronnie both love the soft moist treats, Ronnie just moves too fast to get a pic.
Bonnie tells me that Terrence was good and active for the first half hour then took a 5 minute battery recharge before playing again. He did this a couple of times. Phillip was Ok and active. Playful and active but did not do any of his usual climbing. Maybe his eye was bothering him, as I said before, it was a bit swollen, actually obviously sticking out.
Finally Kiwi got her time out. Kiwi is a favorite with Bonnie and I as we had a much loved cat called Kiwi, who was a favorite of all who met her.
Kiwi has steadily gained weight whilst at the shelter, she loves lot’s of attention and loves to give little love nips if given the chance and you scritch her neck.
Did I forget to mention, that she loves the ball box to sleep in. She caught several winks in there today, when we let her.
But she can be coaxed out or at least to come up for air, to check out the action and then retreat back to continue the nap.
Well folks, that was it for today.
Nigel and Bonnie.
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