Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Saturday report. 040508

Report time again.


I started out with the new boys Terrance and Phillip and they bounced all over the place, but nothing in comparison to when Chickpea came out. The three of them just went nuts for at least the hour. Bonnie in the meantime had Tommy and Bailey out, and both boys were quite active.  Chickpea was bouncing on both of them, in fact I think she overawes them a bit. Interestingly though it was chickpea that was hissing even when she was the boss of the situation. Someone maybe should have called her Sweetpea instead of Chickpea.

Tommy and Bailey were fed lots of treats and played well.  Bailey as usual outlasted Tommy in the energy sweepstakes, and actually never slowed down once in the hour and a half they were both out.

C, T & P were also out an hour and a half and were still going strong.  I found that Phillip is a climber and kept climbing the cage and then waiting for me to pick him up, offer a hug and his is then looking over my shoulder to get someplace else.

Then I had Jeffie out while Bonnie took out Gizmo. Him I have to talk about later.

Jeffie was playful but did not last too too long before he looked for a place to sleep, the toy bin.


 While he was out he loves playing in the green tube as you can see. He is looking good following his surgery, but has yet to regain his stamina.


Gizmo was out with Bonnie and all I heard was cries of joy from the other room interspersed with a rumbly dooking. Giz was active and playful but has a distinct breathing problem, once he sneezed and it got better for a couple of minutes. Then came back. We both listened to him with the stethoscope and it’s difficult to tell where it is happening, it is all over, in the chest, in the throat and Bonnie believes hse can hear this rattling in his head, meaning his upper respiratory tracts.

Gizmo is a smart little devil and showed Bonnie just how smart he can be. He opened the toy cage in the garage room, he just flipped open the latch and went in. Bonnie couldn’t believe what she had seen, so she fished him out closed it and let him do it again.  In all this was repeated 4 times, and on the forth I caught him with the camera.



Next in line to come out was Caesar and he still smells, I think he could do with some scented baths and conditioner, any volunteers??  He is even more cuddly that before, but that odor is overpowering.  He palyed super well during his time out but more about that later.


The good news this week is that after all the poop problems and surgeries, etc., all the inhabitants except Jeffie have gained weight, and he stayed the same.  The gains were; Tommy – 20; Bailey a whopping 45 grams; Gizmo – 35; Caesar – 40; Chickpea – 60; Terrence 35 and Phillip 40 grams. So we can congratulate ourselves with having some healthy ferrets.


Take a close look at the following photos, who are they?


Anybody figured out yet who put the life back into Caesar.  Who is young, brassy and bouncy, and fast. Who does not show fear.  CHICKPEA.

That’s right we thought it would be interesting to try little Chickpea out with Caesar and under very close supervision at first, it worked wonders.  There was a lot of interest and bum sniffing on both sides, and I even think Caesar was a bit intimidated by the audacious Chickpea.  They played for almost 45 minutes together in the tubes and around.  It was fun to watch two sets of tails wagging at the same time in the tubes. If they came face to face, it would invariably be Caesar who backed up and out. This means we can give Chickpea two runs, good for a youngster.

I would not recommend doing this unless you take the time to stay with them. Once they have been out together a number of times it may be OK to leave them.

So that wraps up our day at the shelter

Keep an eye on Gizmo, he may have a respiratory infection and need some meds or a visit to the doctors.


Happy ferreting


Nigel and Bonnie


One last thing, Caesar may be a Quebec ferret, he loves Pepsi.  Watched by Chickpea..

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