Tuesday, December 25, 2007

December 24, 2007

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house ferrets were dooking, playing with my spouse…okay, I can’t pull it off so I’ll just stop and give you the skinny on the pre-Christmas weasel run…


Hercules and Sophie played well together. Sophie snacked on my right arm all evening. She really doesn’t like me. Perhaps my making her eat her own ass has something to do with it. She played in the leaf box with Herc and they chased each other through the tunnels. Herc  enjoys antagonizing Sophie. He has a terrible habit of goosing her from behind. One day that boy is going to lose his nose.


Gloria and Laura were good fun. Laura is not unlike Sophie in that she likes to chew on my arms. She will wander over and just casually hangs out beside me and then out of the blue nip me, then again, then again, then walk away. She never bites hard enough to hurt, unlike Sophie, and will only bit the soft fleshy part of my arms. Of course both Sophie and Laura, and Gloria for that matter do no such thing with Amanda. Gloria climbs everything all the time. Cutting back on her coffee would probably be a good idea.


Gizmo looks so good now that his fur is back. Gizmo tunneled through the blankets and towels I piled on the floor. Unlike the icky girl ferrets, Gizmo doesn’t bite. He was a lot of fun to play with. Gizmo spent the better part of his time out digging a rubber ball from the ball box. Once out he hide it somewhere. I’ll ask everyone to keep their eyes open for it, its blue and pink, and a definite choking/blockage hazard if it gets chewed up.


Even though Randy had Tommy and Bailey out previously, we had them out again for another 30 minute. They tooled around, dooking and carrying on like they normally do. Tommy is so fat now that his shadow was moved to another cage due to overcrowding. I played tug-of-war with Bailey and the hammock he pulled out of the toy bag.


Juniper was let out by Randy before we arrived. Thanks Randy.


Merry Christmas to Randy, Olympia, and all the volunteers. Thanks for caring when no one else would.




Robert and Amanda.

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