Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Elvis and Hardy's Bath Day

Hi Everyone

Elvis and Hardy had a bath on Sunday. Elvis was first and was a very good boy. After he was dried off and combed he pranced around the house with that “don’t I like totally gorgeous” look on this face. We all proceeded to tell him how handsome he looked and he just strutted like a peacock. He was also feeling very playful. Elvis and my Dad had a great time playing tag – very cute. Hardy was not at all thrilled about his bath time. He was good while having his bath but after we dried him off and combed him he just slumped about the house looking like “Ewww – I smell nice – I don’t smell like a ferret!!!” It took him a few hours to forgive us and decide that it wasn’t so awful. Poor little guy.

- Tanya

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