I have just been looking back at some of the postings on the blog and realize that I may have to be more circumspect in what I say and what I describe. So here goes with today’s report without any racy comments.
When we arrived at the shelter at 12:05pm, I wandered in to see how many groups we still have as I had expected that perhaps Sophie and Hercules may have abandoned us without saying goodbye. They were still in their cage. But I hear they may not be for long, a done deal is what they call it. They have a home!! Anyway I was leading up to my surprise, which was to see a new white body in the cage that Gloria and Laura just vacated. And what do I see, a tag with a date and D.E.W. I called Bonnie over and asked her if she had snuck our Dew back to the shelter. If you remember from a couple of years ago we got in a young DEW, a real cutie, and Deb fell in love with him. Someone, I am not sure who saw his tag and thought his name was Dew. Anyway for lack of more imagination, he stayed Dew and is, to this day one of our brood.
I have corrected the tag, by looking back over the last few day’s reports and found he is called Jeffie. Well, I was told Jeffie had been found in a dumpster, no comments, it could get dirty!. Jeffie is a wonderful affectionate big boy (1750 grs.), no longer young but with oodles of love for anyone picking him up and giving him the least amount of attention. He can be playful too, especially if you scritch him on the shoulders or the base of the tail. He may be as old as 5. But he is cute;
Couldn’t you just hug this one??? He is so solid, Bonnie said fat, unkind, that he couldn’t fit in the tubes so that was out for him. He tried but after wearing a tube a couple of times he gave up.
Bonnie had him for the first half of his time out. I, on the other side, had the two boys, Tommy and Bailey. A word her about Bailey. He has lost about 100 grs. In the past 4-5 weeks. Keep and eye out for him. He is very active and playful but we must watch him. Tommy needed his hugs and squeezes before he could wander about by himself. Have you ever noticed the look on either one’s face when you pick up and cuddle the other. Can ferrets be jealous?. Bailey had some time in the leaf box and had a ball. I dropped Tommy in and you would have thought he had been dropped in a puddle of dirty dish water, he moved pretty quick to get out. He obviously is not interested. Both, in their own ways were active and playful, each got their soft moist Ultimate treats. The boys both tend to settle down somewhere and snooze if left alone too long, they just need the stimulus and company.
Next I had Gizmo out and this attractive young man just wanted 100% of my time, he played well and loves playing with one’s hand. Please everyone pay attention to Gizmo and watch out for his breathing, we were hearing some rattling as he breathed. Bonnie even heard it while he was asleep before his run time. Gizmo has gained 40 grams since last week.
At the same time Bonnie took out Hercules and Sophie, we weren’t sure if they were going today or tomorrow. It will be a bit strange not to see them next time we do a shift. BUT it will be good to know they will happily be at home at last with their new little friend Dakota. Sophie must have had some inkling of this, because Bonnie said she seemed so happy today and more active. She is still very kissable. In Bonnie’s words Sophie “had a ball” today. She even let Bonnie know the old Sophie lurks just under the veneer of the civilized Sophie. She snuck her head up Bonnie’s pant leg and licked her leg with her teeth. NOT a nip but a tease. Hercules same old self, wanders around satisfying his curiosity, greeting the humans, checking out his next nap spot and finally settling down after an hour in same spot. Then we switched and out he came again, long enough to say his hellos, another wander around, a bit of play then crawled into a carrier to groom himself.
Sophie has put on 30 grams, and Hercules has lost 30 grams. Together they are stable, same weight together. Looks like Hercules gave up some grams to Sophie so she would look good for her new human. Generous chap.
Then we went home, and on the way had breakfast. Now you are probably wondering what the hell is he talking about, what is the relevance, etc. etc.
You figure
Nigel (&Bonnie)